While trying to save some money for moving and school I have been working at a McDonald's restaurant in my little town. An AMAZING friend of mine got me the job almost instantly when I moved back from Virginia and I am so so grateful to her. I get great hours, my coworkers are wonderful, and now I'm moving up. I have been asked to be a Crew Trainer and hopefully, if things work out next month Head Crew Trainer. It comes with, of course, a pay raise and the task of initially training new crew members. I am beyond excited. And I enjoyed working with the three new crew members my manager trusted to me during her vacation. Even though it was exactly when Jyoudan arrived. It just meant quite a bit less free time.
But it was fun! And having Jyoudan here was even better! (Jyoudan is of course not his real name. It's actually the Japanese word for 'joke' which sounds really mean except that when you write his name in Japanese that's what it says. And he is the single funniest person I've met in my whole life.)
This is Jyoudan and his face.
For two weeks my friends and I got to be tourists in our own stat and it was like we were on vacation too. Everything was about having fun. I spent so much money and I don't even care. And sometimes we just sat around and played games but it was so nice having my friend around after so long. I only got a few hours of sleep each night and it started getting to me but that just meant I got off work, threw on a sweatshirt and napped in the car on the way to the city.
We welcomed him to Seattle with yummy conveyor belt sushi.
That's me!
And to Gameworks for games and Puricura! (A Japanese style photobooth). We're a bit addicted.
Isn't that cute?
Syl and Alex
Emily, Me, and Jyoudan
And that same night we went the midnight Double Feature of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows parts 1 and 2!!!
Jyoudan, Me and Darci
Syl and Jyoudan and his face.
We went to a Mariner's game. We lost.
Syl, Michi, and Jyoudan
And an Aquasox game. (Our minor league team) And SUPER won!
There were various restaurants, we saw Harry Potter a few more times, Captain America once, and played some very dangerous boards games on nights when I was just too dead tired to go out. I ordered Jyoudan too many drinks at a tavern and on the last night had a very productive and confusing travel through Pike Place Market that I will blog about later!
Syl, Jyoudan, Me, and Michi
It was so much fun and so tiring, but so worth it. Now, to catch up on some sleep! ...before work tomorrow morning.
♥ Amanda Leigh